Bob sadino 

Bob Sadino (Lampung, March 9, 1933), or fondly called om Bob, is a businessman from Indonesia who do business in the field of food and livestock. He is the owner of the business network and Kemchick Kemfood.He often wear a short sleeved shirt and a short pants.

   Bob sadino  born from an affluent family,he is the youngest of five children.The parents was died at bob sadino 19 years old,when the parents was died ,bob inherits all the family property,because the siblings was succes with established life.

     Bob spent most of his wealth to the world.Along the way, he stopped in the Netherlands and settled for more than 9 years. There, he worked in Djakarta Lylod in the city of Amsterdam and also in Hamburg, Germany. While living in Holland, Bob met his life partner, Soelami Soejoed.

     In 1967 bob and family returned to Indonesia,Bob brought 2 Mercedes,one of which his sold to buy a house in kemang,after a long stay in Indonesia,Bob decided to quit his job because he has determination to work independently.

    One day, his friend suggested Bob raising chickens to fight depression. Bob interested. When raising chickens that appear inspiring entrepreneurship. He watched the lives of the chickens livestock. He got the inspiration, the chicken could be fighting for his life, certainly any human can.

    As a chicken farmer, Bob and his wife, a few pounds every day selling eggs.After that he build a grocery with the name is kemchick.After he succes ,he not arrogant but he has a character that is simple life ,example,he often wear a short sleeved and a short pants at the office.



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